“I’ll have you know, Major, that I love baseball. I’ve just started a team in Locarian City. They’ll be playing the Pike City Pioneers next week.”
The war is going very badly for the Federation and Dukat is walking on air back at re-christened Terok Nor, even though the minefield around the wormhole is preventing reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion is keeping the Cardassians from making things too rough on the station and Weyoun gets Odo to take a seat on the station’s ruling council — much to Kira’s worry. Meanwhile, Sisko and Co. are sent on a mission to destroy a Dominion facility that stores the Jem’Hadar’s food (ketracel white) using the Jem’Hadar attack ship Sisko captured back in “The Ship”. They’re successful, but their vessel is badly damaged in the process, and the crew’s ability to return to friendly space is in question as the episode ends.
“Captain, are you going to tell the rest of the crew that you’re just watching ‘Spenser: For Hire’ re-runs on this channel?”
Why it’s important
As the first episode in the arc that begins DS9’s sixth season, this episode sets a lot in motion, including Sisko’s rise to prominence in Starfleet and his association with Admiral Ross (Barry Jenner), who shows up here for the first time and becomes a recurring character for the rest of the series. The dynamics back on DS9 are more interesting, though, as the feeling clearly is that the Federation is doomed, that Dukat is becoming a major player in interstellar affairs and that Odo’s loyalties will be tested.
That said, it’s interesting that the destruction of the ketracel white facility seems to have such little effect going forward.
“Oh, Benjamin — Worf’s just upset that I’m leaving at the end of the season to be on ‘Becker’.”
What doesn’t hold up
The issue of scope in DS9’s final seasons shows up again. Here, it appears that the entire Dominion/Cardassian war effort is being led by three guys on DS9 (Dukat, Damar, Weyoun). Given that we’re talking about two extremely large space empires, shouldn’t there be more people involved — even a few stray Vorta or Cardassians in meetings? I know the Founders leave the day -to-day to the Vorta, but still.
In early DS9, the stakes were so much smaller that you could kind of buy that a handful of people (usually, the DS9 staff) would be operating independently. But as DS9 took on heavier and more galaxy-shaking topics, it became harder to buy that more people wouldn’t be involved. Really, the creators did the best job with the Klingons on this point — Martok and later Gowron always seemed to have Klingon staff members around — but the Federation and especially the Dominion and the Cardassians seem to be run by so few people. Just wait until we see the Dominion headquarters on Cardassia Prime in a few reviews. Basically, Weyoun and Damar operate out of what barely surpasses a small closet.
Otherwise, it’s odd that it takes Sisko’s staff so long to learn how to run the Jem’Hadar ship. Sisko seemed to know how to operate it when he tried to get it off the planet in “The Ship” and a team led by Kira in the seventh season doesn’t have much trouble operating one without any training. And don’t even get me started on the idea that only two members of a Jem’Hadar ship crew can see what’s going on outside the ship. Please.
Final thoughts
As noted in our last review, the Dukat/Weyoun/Damar scenes really strengthen the mini-arc that begins here. But the Odo/Kira stuff is really strong, too. Given where those two characters have been, what they go through mostly makes sense for where they eventually end up. More on that later.
“Awww. Did Benjamin leave this for me because I took him into Klingon territory when we were still besties?”
As the Dominion continues to gain footing in the Alpha Quadrant, Sisko puts his foot down. The crew start placing mines around the wormhole to prevent more Dominion ships from entering the Alpha Quadrant and fortifying Cardassia. The Dominion responds and sends Vorta ambassador Weyoun (Jeffrey Combs) to DS9. Weyoun tells Sisko that unless the Federation removes the mines, the Dominion will take the station. Sisko refuses, leading to a battle at the station. The minefield is completed just in the nick of time, but Starfleet is forced to abandon DS9, which is taken over by Dukat, Weyoun and the Dominion — with Kira, Odo and Quark left behind. Then, Sisko, on board the Defiant (and Martok and Worf, on a Klingon ship) join a massive fleet of Federation and Klingon vessels, armed for war.
When Shelby said they’d have the fleet up and running within a year, she wasn’t kidding.
Why it’s important
This is another instance in which the summary pretty much explains the episode’s importance. The long-simmering hostilities between the Federation and the Dominion finally boil over and war begins. While extended conflicts involving the Federation had occurred in the past, they had only been covered in dialog. With this episode, the DS9 creators set a course for two seasons of war that would really define DS9 and its contribution to Star Trek (aside from perhaps the spiritual stuff).
There’s also the quick bit about the Romulans signing a non-aggression pact with the Dominion, the Alpha Quadrant foothold that finally pushes Sisko over the edge. Of course, the Romulans’ place in the war is a huge, huge domino going forward …
The holy trinity of DS9 baddies … watches “Move Along Home” and “Ferengi Love Songs” and wonders what the hell the creators were thinking.
What doesn’t hold up
The big conceit of the episode is that Starfleet wouldn’t do more to fortify DS9, described by Sisko next season as “the key to the Alpha Quadrant”. In this episode, Starfleet’s resources are used on another mission. Hmmm.
Beyond that, I find it somewhat hard to believe that O’Brien, Dax and Rom are the only people who work to figure out a way to mine the entrance to the wormhole. It paints Starfleet, generally, as having a pretty weak bench and really lacking in foresight. Hell, why not bring in more engineers from the DS9 staff, even? Given that Rom’s considered an engineering genius at this point, I guess it’s OK that he’s there …
I’m also unclear as to how DS9 can just be taken over by the Dominion. A big part of this episode involves Sisko getting the Bajorans to sign a non-aggression pact with the Dominion, as Sisko doesn’t think he can protect Bajor in a war. That’s all well and good, but does signing a non-aggression pact allow the Dominion to take over Bajor’s only space station? Keep in mind that Sisko’s instructions didn’t — as far as we know — tell the Bajorans to let the Dominion do whatever it wanted. Starfleet was on the station at Bajor’s invitation. Was such an invitation offered to the Dominion?
There’s also the matter of Garak leaving with the Defiant at the end of the episode. While he would have almost certainly been put to death by Dukat had he stayed on the station, shouldn’t Garak have asked Sisko to join the crew before the absolute last moment? What if Sisko had remembered how Garak tried to use the Defiant to commit genocide back in “Broken Link” and simply kicked him off the ship? And, actually, who approved Garak coming on board before Sisko? I suppose it could have been Bashir, but it likely wouldn’t have been O’Brien or even Dax.
Oh, and finally, this episode, once and for all, shows that Starfleet consists of a LOT more vessels than was implied in TNG (where the loss of 40 ships was seen as a huge blow) or even early DS9. The fleet the Defiant joins at the end of the episode is MASSIVE. Keep in mind that this is the same year in which Starfleet lost a lot of ships to the Borg (in “Star Trek: First Contact”) and at least some to the Klingons. One possible explanation is that in preparation for the war and all the other conflicts, Starfleet recalled a bunch of vessels in deep space. But that’s just a theory that’s not backed by any dialog. And we know it takes YEARS to build individual starships. Maybe Starfleet pulled a bunch of ships from moth balls — which would explain why we see a lot of Miranda- and Excelsior-class vessels in the next two seasons. Again, though, that’s never actually stated.
Last, last point: Did Sisko leave the runabouts on the station? It’s interesting that the runabouts were deployed in anticipation of the Dominion attack (which never happened) in “By Inferno’s Light”. They might have come in handy in this episode — and it certainly would have made sense to not leave them behind. But during the attack, and when the Defiant and Martok’s ship leave, we see no runabouts.
Final thoughts
One character we finally get to talk about is Weyoun, who showed up in a few episodes before this but none that we considered tapestry worthy. Jeffrey Combs playing opposite of Marc Alaimo‘s Dukat (along with Casey Biggs‘ Damar) into next season is one of DS9’s high points, as they have great chemistry. Combs, of course, played a ton of different roles in Trek, but Weyoun was his most memorable.
There’s also the matter of Jake’s decision to stay on DS9. Jake was DS9’s most underused character, despite some good stuff here and there in episodes like “Nor the Battle to the Strong”,  “In the Cards” and (though Cirroc Lofton is only in part of it) “The Visitor”, which is DS9’s best episode. Making Jake a journalist and having him decide to stay on the station, without telling his father, was an interesting choice, but the results were mostly underwhelming, as we’ll discuss.
Frankly, it’s kind of amazing there are so many plot threads in this episode, many of which we’re not even mentioning here. “A Call to Arms” is extremely plot heavy, but it’s one of DS9’s finest hours. Definitely worth a watch for any fan.
Coming later this week …
The war, well, it’s not going well for our heroes.
Still obsessed with Les Miserables after his capture in “For The Uniform”, Eddington plans his all-star cast and Hollywood treatment from inside the brig
Sisko gets some intel that the last remnants of the Maquis — most of whom were wiped out when Cardassia joined the Dominion — plan to launch some missiles with cloaking devices (acquired from the Klingons) at Cardassian targets that would likely start a war. Sisko enlists the help of our old buddy Eddington (Kenneth Marshall) who’s been imprisoned since Sisko caught him a few months back. Eddington blames Sisko for what happened to the Maquis, but reluctantly takes him to a planet in the Badlands. Turns out the Jem’Hadar beat them there and have the last of the Maquis, including Eddington’s wife Rebecca (Gretchen German) imprisoned there ready to transport back to Cardassia. There never actually were any missiles, as it was a plan put into place by Eddington before he was arrested. Sisko gets the Maquis members out while Eddington stays behind and dies to save them.
Why it’s important
This episode was right on the bubble, but we reviewed it for two reasons. It essentially ended the Maquis, despite the Chakotay-led group on Voyager that’s unaware of the Dominion and all other goings-on in the Alpha Quadrant. And it also is very emblematic of the very strong run up to the end of the fifth season, in which the threat of a war with the Dominion is more real than ever before.
The back and forth between Eddington and Sisko on the runabout — in which its explained that the instability brought on by the Maquis was partly why the Cardassians turned to the Dominion — put this episode over the edge and made it tapestry worthy.
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, I think he even kind of looks like me!
What doesn’t hold up
Eddington’s plan is, shall we say, ridiculous. Apparently, before he was captured, Eddington told the Maquis that, at some point, they should send a message directed at his first name (Michael) that they plan to fire missiles at Cardassia. The idea being that doing so would prompt someone to get Eddington out of jail and take him to the alleged “missile site” where he could save the remaining Maquis. And it turned out to be enough for Sisko, who knew Eddington well, to take the bait.
But what if Sisko had been otherwise occupied — or what if the Klingons hadn’t decided to share the message they intercepted and shared the knowledge that they provided the Maquis with cloaking devices? Remember that when Eddington was imprisoned, the Federation and the Klingons weren’t allies. Or, hell, what if Sisko had decided he couldn’t trust Eddington enough to enlist his help?
“Is it that the loaf of bread I stole for supper?” “I punched Q in his face, if you don’t stop it with this Les Miz thing…”
Final thoughts
Logical goofiness aside, this episode is a favorite of mine. The banter between Eddington and Sisko is strong, better than the uneven showing in “For the Uniform”, the episode in which Eddington was captured. Part of that is the stronger showing here by Avery Brooks but also the angrier Eddington we see.
Not that it’s a flaw, but it is too bad that we never see Rebecca or the handful of Maquis again or even learn what happened to them. My guess is they were imprisoned, but that’s not made clear. There’s a line in Voyager about the former Alpha Quadrant Maquis being in prison, FWIW.
Coming next week …
War! Huh! Good god, y’all. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
“Doctor, did you not get the memo about the new TPS reports — I mean, the new uniforms?”
Part one: Worf and Garak head to the Gamma Quadrant in a runabout after receiving a message from our old bud Enabaran Tain (Paul Dooley), assumed killed by the Dominion back in “The Die is Cast”. They stumble upon a huge fleet of Jem’Hadar ships and manage to get a message to DS9 before they’re captured. As Sisko starts readying the station for a Dominion attack — and loops in Gul Dukat, still apparently engaging in a private war with the Klingons — Worf and Garak are taken to a prison camp where Tain is being held, along with General Martok (J.G. Hertzler), who apparently had been replaced by a Changeling before we first met him in “The Way of the Warrior”. Even more surprising, Bashir is being held there(!) meaning he’s been replaced by a Changeling back on the station. Sisko decides to close the entrance to the wormhole — Starfleet’s not in a good position to fight a war — but the efforts are sabotaged (almost certainly by the Bashir Changeling) and as the credits roll … the Dominion fleet enters the Alpha Quadrant.
Part two: The Dominion fleet, takes a hard look at the station and then heads directly to Cardassia. Dukat follows them in his ship and tells a horrified Kira on the viewscreen that he has been in negotiations with the Dominion for months and Cardassia has … joined the Dominion. Shortly thereafter, Dukat announces that he intends to take back all of his people’s property — including DS9. A Klingon fleet limping back from Cardassia after getting beaten up by the Jem’Hadar stops at DS9 for assistance and Sisko gets Gowron (Robert O’Reilly) to agree to reinstate the alliance with the Federation and make a stand against the Dominion. Meanwhile in the prison camp, Worf is being repeatedly challenged by Jem’Hadar and Garak must overcome his claustrophobia to adjust the transmitter Tain used to send the message — Tain has died — to signal the runabout. He’s successful, and the prisoners escape, allowing Bashir to send a message to the station, allowing Sisko to figure out that the Bashir on the station is a Changeling. By this point, the Federation and Klingon fleets have been joined by a bunch of Romulan vessels, awaiting the Dominion attackers — and the Bashir Changeling has stolen a runabout with the idea of causing Bajor’s sun to explode, destroying the station and the fleet. Kira, on board the Defiant, is able to stop the Changeling, and the escapees from the prison camp make it home. As the episode ends, Dukat contacts Sisko, setting up the inevitable showdown between the two of them, and between the Federation and the Dominion.
The Dominion enters the Alpha Quadrant. Only took 2 1/2 years.
Why it’s important
Well, I’m not sure I even need to explain, given the summary. But the events of these two episodes set up the final 2 1/2 seasons of DS9. Much of the rest of the fifth season is about the lead up to what feels like an inevitable war and the final two seasons are about the war.
The sides of the conflict are drawn with the Cardassians and Dominion on one end and the Federation, Klingons and (later) the Romulans on the other. Remember that before this episode, the Federation was really tighter with the Cardassians than the Klingons, as the Federation was providing assistance to beleaguered Cardassia in the fourth and fifth seasons . This episode sets all of that on its head in a (mostly) satisfactory and compelling way.
It also sets up the Sisko/Dukat rivalry that is a major thread throughout the rest of DS9. Since the second season, Dukat had been a sort of strange bedfellow of the DS9 crew, even helping Sisko and Co. infiltrate Klingon space in “Apocalypse Rising”. Here, he becomes the series’ main villain. It was a bold choice that paints Dukat as the ultimate pragmatist and opportunist. Although I’m not a huge fan of where they take the character later, Dukat selling out to the Dominion to gain power is totally believable.
I didn’t get into it in the recap, which was long enough, but there’s also the evolving relationship between Garak and Ziyal (Melanie Smith, the third and final actor to play the character), which was a subplot back in “For the Cause” but really takes off here. Ziyal’s love for Garak (a sworn enemy of Dukat) is a big part of what happens over the course of the next season.
“Wait, you’re playing my daughter now? Well, OK. I’m Marc Alaimo. What’s your name?”
What doesn’t hold up
Buckle up. This is gonna be a long one.
Part one mostly works on its own — with one huge exception — though I’ve always wondered how Worf and Garak just happened to land at the same prison camp as Tain, Martok and Bashir. There’s a line in part two that sort of indicates the camp is just for Alpha Quadrant prisoners. But why would the Dominion do that? And, frankly, the prison camp itself is ridiculously lax. Shouldn’t there be some sort of surveillance? Also, why are the prisoners being held in the first place? There’s no indication that they’re being interrogated. I suppose there might be some value in them later …
But let’s talk about what I would consider DS9’s biggest continuity error, and possibly the biggest continuity error in all of Trek.
When we meet Bashir in the prison camp, he’s wearing the DS9 uniform we saw in the first four seasons and into the fifth. Essentially, it’s a mostly black jumpsuit with the Starfleet color differentiators (red for command, blue for medical, etc.) across the shoulders. Beginning in “Rapture”, the DS9 characters started wearing the updated versions (first seen in “Star Trek: First Contact”) which have grey across the shoulders and the color differentiators in the turtleneck undershirts. I know this isn’t the most exciting thing to discuss, but stay with me. That real Bashir is wearing the older uniform means we can fairly easily determine when Changeling Bashir first appeared on DS9 — before “Rapture”. And, people, boy does that cause some issues.
The Bashir Changeling was apparently on DS9 for four episodes, “Rapture”, “The Darkness and the Light”, “The Begotten” and “For the Uniform” (in which Alexander Siddig doesn’t appear). We only reviewed one of those episodes, but here’s a quick summary of what Changeling Bashir did in them:
— “Rapture”: Sisko starts having visions and needs Bashir’s help to save his life. So, the Changeling infiltrator would need extensive knowledge of human brains and medical abilities to fool everybody. Right.
— “The Darkness and the Light”: The only episode in which Changeling Bashir appears that isn’t eye-rolling in retrospect — assuming you buy the overall conceit that Changelings can act like anyone at anytime without raising suspicions.
— “The Begotten”: An episode in which Changeling Bashir helps with the delivery of the O’Brien’s child (carried by Kira) and the recovery of an ill, infant Changeling who eventually dies and integrates into Odo to make Odo a Changeling again. This raises so many questions that I can’t even cover them all here. But holy hell …
Really, the creators just blew it here. They used the uniform thing as a way to help the audience distinguish between the two Bashirs. But that could have been done with Bashir wearing off-duty clothes in the prison camp, if it needed to be done at all. Big picture, the Changelings’ seemingly magic abilities to mimic anyone and anything were always a stretch, but the creators stretched them beyond belief here.
One other thing. Sisko mentions the recent “Borg attack” in this episode, an apparent allusion to “Star Trek: First Contact”. The stardate in that movie puts it much later in the season (small thing, I know) and we never hear anything about how Worf took the Defiant to Earth and helped, you know, save Earth. There’s also the bit about the Defiant being heavily damaged in that movie. We never hear about it needing repairs or how it returns to the station.
Part two is where things go even further off the rails because of problems within the episode as opposed to continuity with other episodes/movies. First, let’s talk about the renewal of the Federation/Klingon alliance.
Sisko, apparently, without any higher authority, just renews the treaty with Gowron. Now, Gowron is the leader of the Klingon Empire, but Sisko’s just a (relatively important) Starfleet captain. Could he really do what he did here?
Beyond that, the renewal is (apparently?) part of the Dominion’s larger plan. The Bashir Changeling stands by and lets it happen, perhaps with the idea that it would bring the Federation and Klingon fleets to DS9 to be destroyed. But it’s clear that only parts of both fleets show up. So, sure, the supernova would have wiped out a lot of ships (and the station) but it also would have renewed a power alliance that opposed the Dominion.
There’s also the bit about Changeling Bashir modifying a runabout to carry out his plan. I’m sorry, but if security was that lax — the runabout’s shields were upgraded and a protomatter device was installed! — then the Dominion could have defeated the Federation in about 20 minutes.
Then, there’s the prison camp stuff.
Let’s assume that Garak (and Tain, before him) really could use the old life support system near our heroes’ cell to send out a signal that the Dominion (apparently?) couldn’t detect. Why, in the HELL, did the Dominion LEAVE THE RUNABOUT PARKED NEAR THE CAMP?
I remember watching in 1997 and wondering earlier in the episode how the writers were going to pull off the escape. When the camera simply panned up from the camp to show the runabout, I believe I threw a remote at the television. Unless you figure that leaving the runabout was some sort of Dominion plot, there’s just no reason to do this. And even if it was a Dominion plot, how did Garak et. al know where the runabout was? Argh …
Lastly, we have Sisko’s amazing powers of deduction at the end of the episode. Consider that he’s standing in ops waiting for a major attack. There are Starfleet, Klingon and Romulan ships ready to fight and sensors are detecting enemy vessels. Then, a non-visual transmission from the Gamma Quadrant comes from Bashir (in part one, Sisko was skeptical that a similar transmission from Tain was genuine). Sisko, correctly, figures out that the Bashir on the station is a Changeling. But, but, but … how did he do that? Wasn’t it just as possible that the message from the Gamma Quadrant was a fake?
I suppose Sisko figured it out because the computer told him Bashir had last been at a runabout pad, and Sisko could have figured that the real Bashir wouldn’t have ever been there at that point in time. But Sisko’s next actions are odd. He tells Kira (on the Defiant) to destroy the runabout, not to just stop or capture it. In other words, there’s no doubt in his mind that the Bashir on the station has been a Changeling.
Finally — and props to you, if you’ve made it this far — where in the hell is Odo in these episodes? He shows up at the very beginning of part one and then is only mentioned in dialog. In all other episodes involving Changeling infiltrators, Odo is a huge part, and the return of his shapeshifting abilities could have made for some interesting scenes here. Not seeing him much in this two-parter isn’t necessarily an error, but it’s odd.
Final thoughts
So, I realize I just tore this two-parter to shreds. Funny thing is, I also really enjoy watching it. I actually think it’s incredibly representative of DS9.
That is, the two-parter was incredibly ambitious — frankly, to a fault. It stacked the deck so high that the only way for our heroes to win was with some really ridiculous plotting, i.e. the Dominion parking the runabout near the prison camp and Sisko’s amazing deductive powers. Now, I’ll take “ambitious to a fault” over “boring and episodic” any day — wait until we get to Voyager, people — but I need to point out faults when I see them. And there are just a TON in this two-parter.
It’s too bad the creators didn’t avoid the uniform nonsense, had found a more plausible way for the prison camp gang to escape (a stolen shuttle?) and for Sisko to have more obvious clues. None of that would have been that difficult, but the creators just got sloppy. Shame.
Coming later this week …
A much shorter review, we promise. Eddington’s back!
“You put the Changeling in the pyramid and shake it all up … “
Our friends on DS9 stumble on a baby Changeling, basically in the way now-human/once-Changeling Odo was found back in the day. Odo tries to bring the baby out of his shell in gentler ways than Bajoran scientist Dr. Mora (James Sloyan, returning from “The Alternate” back in season two) did to Odo. The methods seem to be working and the Changeling begins to bond with Odo … but it eventually dies thanks to some radiation it encountered before the DS9ers discovered it. But, as it dies, it merges with Odo … who becomes a Changeling again, as a result.
Sigh. Another sci-fi character with daddy issues.
Why it’s important
Odo regaining his shapeshifting abilities is a huge domino for DS9. After he becomes a Changeling again, he sort of reverts to what he was for much of the third season — an outsider whom the Founders very much want to return home — as opposed to the pariah he was in the fourth season (after he killed another Changeling in “The Adversary”) or the struggling human we had been since he was made human in “Broken Link” for killing that Changeling.
As a Changeling, Odo helps shape the future of the Alpha Quadrant in the final days of the Dominion war, as we’ll get to in later reviews. It’s very unlikely he could have had the impact he had as a human.
Oh, yeah. And this happened.
What doesn’t hold up
The subplot in this episode — where Kira has the O’Briens’ child that she’s been carrying since late in the fourth season — is pretty by-the-numbers. We see Shakaar (Duncan Regehr) again, but in a pretty meaningless role. You might wonder why his elevation to Bajor’s first minister in the third season didn’t warrant mention on this site. Basically, his impact after that episode was as Kira’s boyfriend, not as a Bajoran political leader. And his presence here is just annoying, as he and O’Brien jockey for position in the birthing process.
Beyond that, it’s annoying that the baby Changeling seemed to be doing fine and then so suddenly gets ill and dies. I know the creators sort of foreshadowed this by saying it was ill to start the episode. But they really made the events here too much of a gut punch for Odo.
Final thoughts
That complaint aside, this is really a strong episode that’s well acted on the Odo front. Bringing back Dr. Mora and giving Odo some closure on his difficult upbringing (if you can call it that) was nice. Rene Auberjonois really shines in an episode in which he spends a lot of his time speaking to a beaker full of goo.
There’s also the nice bit at the end where Kira, now childless, confers with Odo, who is also childless. Although the whole idea of Kira carrying the O’Briens’ child was a way to explain Nana Visitor’s pregnancy, the payoff in this episode’s final scene is a nice moment.
Now … there’s the matter of “Dr. Bashir” in this episode that we’ll get to soon.
Coming next week …
Here comes the Dominion. Hold onto your butts!
What if a site focused on the really important Star Trek episodes, explained how they were important and how they tied together â while tossing in a healthy dose of snark?